Freshman Inquiry Writing Seminar

Welcome to FIWQS 101. This course, is an interdisciplinary seminar program. In other words, there are two instructors. One is a Topic Section where Professor Steinberg which Professor Steinberg will lead. In the Topic section, Professor Steinberg will host a course that investigate the idea of understanding science through understanding the universe.

My name is Professor Bangali, and I will have the honor of hosting the other section: Composition. Here, I hope to provide a rigorous, and learning friendly environment where you all will cultivate your scholarly writing skills, mastering the craft of research papers and essays.

Through this course, students will develop proficiency in:

  • Critical text analysis and close reading strategies
  • Articulating and substantiating arguments with clarity and precision
  • Conducting in-depth research and producing a polished, college-level research essay
  • Identifying and evaluating sources for accuracy, credibility, bias, and relevance
  • Synthesizing sources with their own perspectives to craft compelling narratives
  • Applying standardized citation conventions with accuracy

This course is specifically designed to foster college readiness, cultivate critical thinking and analytical writing skills, and refine fundamental reading and writing abilities. Moreover, it encourages active participation, thoughtful discussion, and engagement with complex, intellectually stimulating material.”